Friday, July 17, 2015

Five for Friday - July 17

Hey Y'all!

This is my first link up and I'm actually pretty nervous.  I looked at all the other teachers who did this link up, and man, I look up to y'all.  

My husband and I are new homeowners and have slowly been updating things around our home.  While this isn't our first update, it is one of my favorites.  We finally got a pretty quilt and matching sheets.  :-)  It's so soft and reversible!

Okay, I know that all of you lovely teachers have probably made one of these or seen them on Pinterest.  I told myself that I would "make" one of these and now I can happily say that I did.  Insert my very own TEACHER TOOLBOX!

I absolutely enjoyed working on this.  I was able to create it all somewhat cheap too.  I bought the toolbox off of Amazon for $22.00 about a month ago.  After scouring Pinterest and TPT for ideas, I decided to use scrapbook paper that I already had.  After figuring out how big I needed to make my templates, I went to work.  I traced, cut, and taped for over an hour. (Total hand cramping went on.)  I actually took it into my classroom today and started filling it up.  The whole idea came into play when I decided to get rid of my teacher desk.  I read many blog posts about this and decided to part ways with my big hunk of a desk and downsize in order to give my kiddos more space in our classroom.  We shall see how it all works out.

If you follow me on Instagram, you've already seen this cutie.  

This is Fisher. He is my son, wingman, baby.  My husband and I got this precious pup right when we moved into our new home and he has become a big part of our new family.  Being off in the summer has allowed me to potty train bond with him.  He definitely begs for my attention, as he is doing so now.  I don't know what I'm going to do when school starts back.

I have been fortunate enough to have access to my classroom all summer.  I've been up there a few times in the past week or so and I feel pretty good about how much I've gotten done.  I decided to change up my theme and add in more lime green and turquoise so I've been working on getting more baskets and such to match that theme.  As I mentioned before, I have decided to get rid of my large teacher desk.  Now let me tell you, the desk that I've had for the past two years, is one big momma.  I hated moving that sucker around the room which meant it didn't move much and it stuck out like a sore thumb.  Let's just say I was thankful for cute duck tape. :-)  

Now I have a smaller computer desk with a smaller trapezoid table beside it.  I'm hoping to use the trapezoid table to work more one on one with a student if need be.  It will all be a new experience for me but I look forward to the challenge.  I'm thinking that all my space needs now is some color and some TLC.  Have any of you kicked your teacher desk to the curb?

Enter the new phenomenon... Periscope!  Although I haven't uploaded anything, I have been actively watching all y'all.  I might work up the courage to upload and share some of you.  You can follow me at @smcfarlen 

I hope that my first linky party was alright.  I can't wait to do more!


Friday, July 10, 2015

My first TPT product

Hello all!

I finally completed my first Teachers Pay Teachers product.  (Insert a very loud WOOHOO!) 

After reading many different teacher blogs and looking at over 1,000 products on TPT, I finally thought of something to make.  I was always told to create things that I would use in my classroom but being on summer break kind of hinders that thought process a little bit. 

I began by getting my favorite pen and a notepad and made a list of everything that I didn't have last year that I couldn't find on TPT that I could have easily created had I stopped watching Netflix during my free time.  

My first year teaching, I was introduced to a binder system for my reading story units and folders to hold the materials that I use with each story.  Right now they are ugly not very appealing to the eye and I knew they need a makeover.  Imagine it; plain white binder, yellow colored paper with a plain Microsoft Word font, and plain yellow folders.  Boring right?  Insert cute covers.

 Teachers Pay Teachers Store

(You can find these covers over at my TPT store by clicking the images.)

I realize now that cute borders, cute fonts, and cute clip art makes everything better.  I've only created covers for Unit 1 but plan to make some for each of the 6 units that we have in our Reading Street series.  

Now, being a newbie in the TPT and blogging world made this a little more time consuming than I anticipated.  My husband kept asking me what I was working on and my sweet pup couldn't keep his paws off of my keyboard. (I've had to hit delete a few times while typing this!)  But, I realized that I enjoy creating these products for my classroom.  It gives me a sense of pride knowing that I created the things that I will be using in my room.  I now fully understand why all of you awesome teachers out there in "teacher blog land" enjoy this so much. 

I fully intend to continue this relaxing yet exciting adventure.  I hope that you all enjoy reading and I welcome all comments and suggestions.



Thursday, July 2, 2015


Hello there!

With this being my first post, I thought that I would introduce myself and tell you why I'm here.  

My name is Samantha McFarlen.  I am a 4th grade teacher from Southeast Missouri and this will be my third year of teaching.  I am a Christian, wife, dog mom, and a very proud aunt to 9 nieces and nephews.  I enjoy weight lifting, reading, playing/watching sports, and I am an avid Instagram(er), Pinterest(er), and SnapChat(er).

I have tried blogging before but never stuck with it.  I plan on using this as a tool to share whats going on in my classroom and my life.  I am also hoping to begin creating masterpieces things to sell on Teachers Pay Teachers and showcasing them here.  

I am always so inspired by all of the blogs that I read and I cannot wait to join the crowd! I have also created an Instagram account just for anything related to education. Follow me @knightsatthe4thgrtable 

*I have requested a blog design and cannot wait to see it in place!

-Mrs. Mac